
Graphics for Website

Graphics for Website
Graphics for Website

Graphics for Website : Graphics for Website is as significant as the content of the site. An excellent designed graphics can give better and creative ideas to customer of what they are looking for.

Team of MIS Web graphics helps to enhance the website design by adding colors, visual appeals, Graphics for Website and helps in providing artistic professional touch to their creativity. The websites that don’t have web graphics don’t appeal to visitors.

Success of web graphics depend upon the effective and efficient placement on the websites. The appropriate placement of graphics not only attracts end-users but also makes website well turned-out. Internet speeds increased, and Internet browsers capable of viewing images were released, the first being Mosaic.

Websites began to use the GIF format to display small graphics, such as banners, advertisements and navigation buttons, on web pages. Modern web browsers can now display JPEG, PNG and increasingly, SVG images in addition to GIFs on web pages. SVG, and to some extent VML, support in some modern web browsers have made it possible to display vector graphics that are clear at any size.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) W3C Overview of PNGPNG Group homepage
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) W3C Overview of JPEGISO JPEG homepage
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) to be added
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) W3C Overview of SVG
Web CGM Profile W3C Overview of the WebCGM ProfileCGM Open website


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